Thomas Stanley
Educational Background
B.S. Animal Science, VA Tech, 1989
M.S. Animal Science, Kansas State University, 1992
Work Experience
Tom grew up in Southwest Virginia and was an active member of both 4-H and FFA. He worked in livestock production from his 4-H sheep project at an early age, on local farms in High School, and then on beef cattle ranches and a feedlot in Western Nebraska and Eastern Colorado while in college.
After service in the U.S. Army, Tom eventually joined Virginia Cooperative Extension in 1996 as Extension Agent headquartered in Augusta County. In 2010, Tom assumed the role of Unit Coordinator for the Rockbridge Unit. Tom’s area of specialization as an Extension Agent is Farm Business Management.
Extension Programming
Tom is part of a team of Agriculture Extension Agents that serve Augusta, Bath, Highland, Rockbridge, and Rockingham Counties. Their areas of specialization include Crop and Soil Science, Animal Science, Commercial Horticulture, and Farm Business Management. Tom’s particular interest is in developing market opportunities for wholesale produce grown in the region to provide young people an opportunity to enter farming as a profession and existing farmers the chance to diversify their income and improve cash flow.